> Tracking > Vigil@nce
Vigil@nce : tracking of vulnerabilities



Why carry out a technical tracking in security ?
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New vulnerabilities appear every day concerning protocols, products and systems linked to information technologies.

In this context, you must ensure yourself of the permanent relevance and reliability of your security architectures !

Vigil@nce : an operational tracking on the vulnerabilities
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Vigil@nce must be used directly and daily by your teams in order to permanently maintain the security of your systems.

This tracking is composed of four main aspects :
Provision of information (vulnerabilities and countermeasures) on a Web server, under a compatible CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) format.
Sending of alert messages, relating to the discovery of significant vulnerabilities (level 4).

Sending of daily summary messages.
Sending of daily messages registering the countermeasures.

You can define three profiles of access to information, according to your needs..

Vigil@nce : a permanent tracking
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Work is organised in 3 stages :

Stage 1 :
Unprocessed information (vulnerabilities, countermeasures) is extracted daily from thousands of sources (web, newsgroups, mailing-lists, organisations, etc...), selected because of their specialisation in the field of system security.

Stage 2 :
This information is analysed by a team of experts dedicated to the technical tracking of "security". The selection of information considered to be relevant is carried out according to criteria such as the technical credibility of a vulnerability or countermeasure, the cross-checking between various sources of information, etc ...

Stage 3 :
The information considered to be relevant at stage 2 is classified and stored in a database where it is supplied in the form of descriptive cards.

The customers workstations, access the web server homepage using a navigator and are identified.

After being authenticated, they send out requests to the database, through a user-friendly HTML interface (access to the whole base, search according to various criteria, etc...).